DNA methylation analysis with RnBeads

December 22, 2017

Installation and set up

Please run the following steps to install RnBeads and its dependencies. Do not hesitate to contact us (rnbeads@mpi-inf.mpg.de) if you encounter any problems.

Install R

If you do not already have R installed on your system, download and install the R programming language and environment from CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/

Install RnBeads

Open an R session and run the following command:


Note that several packages will be downloaded from the CRAN and bioconductor repositories and installation therefore can take a while.

After the installation, confirm that RnBeads can be loaded:


Install Ghostscript

Ghostscript is required for RnBeads plotting functionality. Please install using the instructions according to your platform.


  1. Download ghostscript from http://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html
  2. After installing ghostscript, we still need to tell R where to find ghostscript. To do so, it is necessary to set adapt your system’s Path variable:
  • Go to Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystemAdvanced System Settingscomputer name, domain and workgroup settingsAdvancedEnvironment Variables
  • Find the Path variable within System Variables, select it and click on edit.
  • Add C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.22\bin (or the directory where you installed ghostscript to) to the Path variable. In Windows 10, you can do this by clicking on New and entering the path. In other Windows versions, just append the path to the variable value, seperated by a semicolon.
  1. Restart R


  1. Download and install the Ghostscript 9.22 package from http://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/
  2. Restart R

Testing if RnBeads plotting works properly

Start an R session and try the following commands.

rplot <- createReportPlot("test_gs")
plot(1:20, pch = 1:20)

(Optional) Install RStudio

We will run the tutorial code using RStudio. RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language and you can easily manage your R code and projects with it. Although it is not required for running RnBeads analyses, we recommond you give it a try. You can download and install it from the RStudio website: https://www.rstudio.com/


author: Fabian Müller <rnbeads@mpi-inf.mpg.de>