Differential Methylation

Introduction: Differential Methylation of Sample Groups

Differential methylation analysis was conducted on site and region level according to the sample groups specified in the analysis.


The following comparisons were made:

The table below summarizes information on the comparisons.

comparison paired
1 TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN) FALSE
2 TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM) FALSE
3 TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN) FALSE
4 TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_WGBS) FALSE
5 TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_WGBS) FALSE
6 TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_WGBS) FALSE
7 TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_NOMe) FALSE
8 TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_NOMe) FALSE
9 TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_NOMe) FALSE
10 NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TCM) TRUE
11 NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TEM) TRUE
12 NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TN) TRUE
13 Hf03 vs. Hf04 (based on cmp_individual) FALSE


In the following anlyses, p-values on the site level were computed using the limma method. I.e. hierarchical linear models from the limma package were employed and fitted using an empirical Bayes approach on derived M-values.

Site Level

Differential methylation on the site level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each site: a) the difference in mean methylation levels of the two groups being compared, b) the quotient in mean methylation and c) a statistical test (limma or t-test depending on the settings) assessing whether the methylation values in the two groups originate from distinct distributions. Additionally each site was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) rank among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a site, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. This section includes scatterplots of the site group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined ranks or p-values of a given site.

The following rank cutfoffs have been automatically selected for the analysis of differentially methylated sites:

Rank Cutoff
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN) 2782607
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM) 2442175
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN) 4269177
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_WGBS) 6618738
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_WGBS) 5432434
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_WGBS) 7149812
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_NOMe) 11567099
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_NOMe) 3891651
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_NOMe) 10304841
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TCM) 3823269
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TEM) 10105927
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TN) 8853110
Hf03 vs. Hf04 (based on cmp_individual) 127706
differential methylation measure

Figure 1

Figure 1

Scatterplot for differential methylation (sites). If the selected criterion is not rankGradient: The transparency corresponds to point density. If the number of points exceeds 2e+06 then the number of points for density estimation is reduced to that number by random sampling.The1% of the points in the sparsest populated plot regions are drawn explicitly (up to a maximum of 10000 points).Additionally, the colored points represent differentially methylated sites (according to the selected criterion). If the selected criterion is rankGradient: median combined ranks accross hexagonal bins are shown as a gradient according to the color legend.

difference metric
significance metric

Figure 2

Figure 2

Volcano plot for differential methylation quantified by various metrics. Color scale according to combined ranking.

Differential Methylation Tables

A tabular overview of measures for differential methylation on the site level for the individual comparisons are provided in this section. Below, a brief explanation of the different columns can be found:

The tables for the individual comparisons can be found here:

Region Level

Differential methylation on the region level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each region: the mean difference in means across all sites in a region of the two groups being compared and the mean of quotients in mean methylation as well as a combined p-value calculated from all site p-values in the region [1]. Additionally each region was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) value among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a region, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. Regions were defined based on the region types specified in the analysis. This section includes scatterplots of the region group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined rank of a given region.

The following rank cutfoffs have been automatically selected for the analysis of differentially methylated regions:

tiling1kb cpgislands genes promoters 51Hf0xBlxxCt.cssv1.20151105.enhmrg ensembleRegBuildBPall ensembleRegBuildBPctcf ensembleRegBuildBPdistal ensembleRegBuildBPdnase ensembleRegBuildBPproximal ensembleRegBuildBPtfbs ensembleRegBuildBPtss
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN) 18466 32 336 173 4088 8249 1321 5517 2774 669 2431 13
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM) 24316 151 457 322 2899 7617 1301 1864 922 878 2640 26
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN) 39566 36 620 261 8590 15449 3281 5317 3480 3996 4510 13
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_WGBS) 42270 186 952 471 7690 13857 2741 6315 1592 1572 5017 40
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_WGBS) 43325 749 1069 1002 5867 14207 2460 4114 1998 1841 4473 75
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_WGBS) 35842 195 933 548 6682 13688 2470 4378 1945 1320 4973 36
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_NOMe) 692224 424 7780 2970 56909 149534 19123 41198 15698 24327 38107 90
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_NOMe) 774701 882 10060 7303 65917 165102 20984 43687 16136 28199 39662 346
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_NOMe) 548302 411 5959 2316 44990 122027 14705 34192 14240 19495 33248 63
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TCM) 843124 1192 15542 11015 73667 181077 23182 46773 16890 32892 40898 1331
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TEM) 677342 359 10679 2998 62060 152063 18708 38785 14259 25543 34965 275
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TN) 520554 421 12761 3985 59168 137724 19450 32706 12767 21176 32902 434
Hf03 vs. Hf04 (based on cmp_individual) 40404 248 1324 1295 3477 10406 1265 2763 932 1486 3388 54
differential methylation measure

Figure 3

Figure 3

Scatterplot for differential methylation (regions). If the selected criterion is not rankGradient: The transparency corresponds to point density. The 1% of the points in the sparsest populated plot regions are drawn explicitly. Additionally, the colored points represent differentially methylated regions (according to the selected criterion). If the selected criterion is rankGradient: median combined ranks accross hexagonal bins are shown as a gradient according to the color legend.

difference metric
significance metric

Figure 4

Figure 4

Volcano plot for differential methylation quantified by various metrics. Color scale according to combined ranking.

Differential Methylation Tables

A tabular overview of measures for differential methylation on the region level for the individual comparisons are provided in this section.

The tables for the individual comparisons can be found here:

tiling1kb cpgislands genes promoters 51Hf0xBlxxCt.cssv1.20151105.enhmrg ensembleRegBuildBPall ensembleRegBuildBPctcf ensembleRegBuildBPdistal ensembleRegBuildBPdnase ensembleRegBuildBPproximal ensembleRegBuildBPtfbs ensembleRegBuildBPtss
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_WGBS) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_WGBS) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_WGBS) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TCM vs. TN (based on cmp_TCMvsTN_NOMe) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TCM vs. TEM (based on cmp_TEMvsTCM_NOMe) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
TEM vs. TN (based on cmp_TEMvsTN_NOMe) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TCM) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TEM) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NOMe vs. WGBS (based on cmp_tech_TN) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Hf03 vs. Hf04 (based on cmp_individual) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv csv

Enrichment Analysis

Enrichment Analysis was conducted. The wordclouds and tables below contains significant GO terms as determined by a hypergeometric test.